• About Emma

    My Favorite Porn

    When people (especially men) find out that I am a self proclaimed lover of porn they are SO excited. They are happy to meet a girl that is as much of a pervert as they are. Sadly, though, my tastes are generally either so vanilla or so specific, that I am rarely interested in what they send me. Don’t get me wrong, it’s all good, but there are just a few things that REALLY get me going. Boobs! I admit it! I am addicted to tits. I love them so. Natural and soft or hard and plastic- you will rarely see me turn down a chance to ogle a perfect…

  • Advice

    Telling Your Partner You’re Solosexual

    When to tell them you’re solosexual Ultimately there is no perfect time to tell someone anything about your sexuality. It will probably always be a tough conversation, especially if you are nervous or concerned about how they may react. This being said, timing is everything. You probably don’t want to blurt it out on your first date, but you also shouldn’t wait until you’ve been together for 10 years either. When you bring this topic up will be largely determined by the unique circumstances surrounding your relationship. What’s most important is that you feel safe, secure, and confident in yourself when you do finally decide to take the leap! Prepare…

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  • Uncategorized

    My Casual Masturbation

    If you’ve kept up with my blog you already know that my masturbation is pretty habitual. I can’t help but think: are there other people out there that masturbate like I do? While yes, I do rub myself for the obvious reasons: to climax, to feel the dopamine rush that comes from edging, etc. I also find that a lot of time my hand will wander aimlessly below the belt, almost like a form of self soothing. Bored? Masturbate.Watching TV? Masturbate.On hold on the phone? You already get the point. It isn’t intense and it isn’t driven, more of a nice gentle release of dopamine throughout my day. Casually. I’ve…

  • Advice,  Fetish,  Masturbation,  relationships

    Where to meet other masturbators

    Here is my incomplete list of places on the web to meet masturbators and gooners! Free Sites Discord Discord is a messaging platform like Skype that allows users to create groups called servers. This is where I spend most of my time gooning. Notable Servers Clubgoon Onania Masturbatorium New Porn World Goon U and many many more (literally I am up to 30 porn servers now) Reddit There are a few small subreddits dedicated to gooning r/gooned r/pornischeating Twitter While there aren’t communities here, there are tons of gooners! Find one (many follow me) and you’ll find them all Instagram This is tricky because Instagram is strict about the content…

  • About Emma,  Masturbation

    Orgasm Spoiled

    I originally posted this edge fueled rambling in the Onania discord server a few weeks ago. Enjoy! I’ve gotten spoiled. I orgasm every single day. Sometimes once, twice, three times. I’ve been “trying” to get back into orgasm denial, but lacked motivation. It’s like I know I CAN (I denied myself for the months of November and December last year), but every time I “try” I’m so greedy I give in and have my orgasm. Until yesterday. It turns out the right person can help a lot with that. I told him I was going to cum and he told me to ruin instead because I’d love how fucked up…

  • Advice

    Tips for the Nervous or Shy Gooner

    So, you’ve decided to approach me, or another sex worker, but you’re not sure what to do. Here are some tips to ensure that you have the best experience possible! The Approach When you first go to interact with someone new, it can be a bit of a nervewracking experience. There are some tried and true ways to to get the right attention: Avoid sending a one word greeting There is no faster way to ensure that you are ignored than just saying “hi”. If I get a “hey” “hello” or even a “what’s up” I pretty much always open the message so that the notification clears, then move on…

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  • About Emma

    My Weekend in New York

    This is the story of my first time meeting my gooner soulmate and a porn star in real life this past January. I originally shared this in my discord server. I wrote it on the plane ride out of town Sunday morning, so it’s not the best written, but it’s extremely raw and I didn’t want editing to take that away. Friday, January 31st Arrival I arrived at the airport and he was waiting for me outside of baggage claim. He was taller and way better looking in person than I expected, even though we video chat a lot. It was pretty awkward in the shuttle and the taxi ride…

  • Adult Industry,  Advice

    How to use Niteflirt- and talk for free!

    Signing Up for Niteflirt There are a few different ways to sign up for Niteflirt. The first and BEST way is to call 1-800-TO-FLIRT from any phone anywhere in the world. This will make sure that you not only get the standard 3 free minutes, but you’ll also receive $10 credited to your account! This can be used not only for phone calls, but also for chatting and buying goodies! You can also sign up by visiting the niteflirt webpage and clicking the “register” link at the top right hand corner of the page. Every account must have a credit card on file- as of right now I do not…

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  • About Emma,  Advice,  Masturbation

    Masturbation Motivation

    “But Emma! If I’m always edging and horny how can I possibly get anything done??” I admit, it’s true. Denying yourself orgasms can have a side effect: constant horniness. You might wake up desperate or find that randomly during the day your sex drive lights up out of nowhere. Sometimes you might be low level aroused for hours without touching yourself. I’ve been there plenty of times myself. As I write this I’m currently two days into orgasm denial, motivation and focus has been… well, tough. The fact that you’re reading this, though, proves that I prevailed. You may be wondering how I could sit here editing videos and finishing…

  • Masturbation

    The Ruined Orgasm

    How to Ruin an Orgasm If you are involved in the edging, orgasm control, or gooning community you have probably seen people talking about “ruining” their orgasm. But what does that mean? Imagine you are having a solo session and things are getting steamy. You know that soon you’re going to cum, and the urge to push yourself over the edge is irresistible. But what if, as soon as you feel yourself explode with pleasure, you stop all stimulation. That, and the wonderful terrible frustration that follows, is a ruined orgasm.  Gender Differences For people with penises ruined orgasms are easy to spot. Usually a tell tale sign is cum…