Why Should I Pay For Porn?
These days there is a seemingly overwhelming amount of free porn online. Pornhub, Twitter, Reddit, Xhamster, BDSMLR, Literotica… the list goes on and on. Any person can log in and be inundated with enough porn to last a lifetime all without spending a dime. So why on earth would you ever pay for it?
The End Is Nigh
Not to sound like one of those doomsday barkers you see in busy tourist areas, but things on the internet are changing. More importantly LAWS are changing. There are campaigns being mounted by evangelical anti-porn groups whose mission is to completely wipe porn from the face of the earth. Will their mission succeed? Probably not. But what it will do is make all of that free content shared by fan accounts and random people online disappear, or at least be much harder to find.
Don’t believe me? Just look what happened to Pornhub. Anti-porn groups influenced the New York Times to write a scathing review of the site, which in turn led to Mastercard and Visa pulling payment processing. Overnight all content from non-verified members was wiped from Pornhub- meaning only the person who owns the work can publish it.
This wiped out MANY fan favorites and fan created content. Sure, much of it has moved elsewhere by now, but that doesn’t mean all things are well and good. Mastercard rolled out new compliance regulations for all sites where adult content is sold, increasing the difficulty of uploading new content. Those same anti-porn groups, Exodus Cry and NCOSE? They are engaging in lawsuits against Twitter, pushing their followers to pressure credit card companies to stop processing all pornography payments, and are pressuring lawmakers to completely outlaw porn by considering it all obscenity.
There is no way to know how successful these groups will be, but what I can be sure of is that the first thing to go will be the free (stolen) porn shared by fans, which constitutes a vast majority of what the average person sees on discord, bdsmlr, twitter, and even reddit.
It would not shock me if in five to ten years it is illegal for sites to allow any pornography at all without consent forms for the performer. If that happens, what will you do? Sure some will be fine completely giving up porn, but the rest will most likely be forced to open their wallets at least a little- even if you aren’t directly paying with money when viewing you will be paying with data. Don’t forget, if you aren’t buying the product, most likely you ARE the product.
Still not convinced?
New High Quality Porn
Let’s say the scenario above comes true. How satisfied will you be watching the same clips over and over or looking at the same images? The majority of porn consumers, like all other forms of entertainment, want to see new models in new outfits on new sets with the highest video quality they can get. All of this costs money.
While many of the big named porn producers probably already had wealth before entering the business, if there is no one willing to pay and they aren’t able to get a return on their investment they will likely move on to another industry. The same is true for the actors and crew members. To be in porn you pay for your own twice monthly testing ($200) and provide all of your own clothing. If there is no way to make money to pay for that and cost of living there will be no one left to make porn.
The same is true with amateur and fetish spaces. Every person in the porn industry can only do so because of financial support from the audience. There is no partnership with Walgreens and porn studios. You will never see Coca-Cola product placement in the background of a double anal scene.
It’s easy to say “Tons of other people spend money on it so it’s okay that I watch for free”, but if everyone has that mindset, then the entire industry – which secretly is already dwindling – will disappear.
The people getting boned and doing the boning are real humans with a real need to feed their family and they are providing a service to you. As long as we live in a world where money is needed to survive, paying for someone’s work is always the right thing to do.
Personalized & Fetish Content
Of course the biggest reason to pay for your porn is to have it tailored to your desires. As much as we all like to pretend that we have normal sexual proclivities, there are of course weird kinks within all of us. It is difficult to find premade videos that fit exactly what you are looking for with models that fit the body type you like.
The best way to get what you want is to pay for it! Buying premade videos or ordering custom content can really help you scratch that naughty itch in a way that nothing else can.
Poor Poor Porn Addict
So am I saying you should spend your life’s savings on porn? No. Obviously there are situations where you can’t and absolutely should NOT spend money on it. We have all been there and there is no shame in it.
On the flip side, if you are spending money every month on Netflix, Hulu, video games, eating out, and other fun non-essential things there is no reason that you can’t take $10 and tip a creator you’ve been jacking to since 1995.