How to Avoid Scams Buying Nudes Online
I can’t tell you how many times a day I hear “can you send me a naked pic to prove you’re real?” Of course my answer is always an enthusiastic “no” and admittedly sometimes a biting remark, but it has got me thinking. Is catfishing a huge issue or people trying to buy nudes and other content online? And if so, what can we (and I say we because, yes, I do buy content from sex workers online) do to make sure a real sex worker is getting our hard earned money instead of someone who simply steals images. I will come clean- I didn’t do any research about how…
My Casual Masturbation
If you’ve kept up with my blog you already know that my masturbation is pretty habitual. I can’t help but think: are there other people out there that masturbate like I do? While yes, I do rub myself for the obvious reasons: to climax, to feel the dopamine rush that comes from edging, etc. I also find that a lot of time my hand will wander aimlessly below the belt, almost like a form of self soothing. Bored? Masturbate.Watching TV? Masturbate.On hold on the phone? You already get the point. It isn’t intense and it isn’t driven, more of a nice gentle release of dopamine throughout my day. Casually. I’ve…
The Drop
There is something that can happen after a sexual experience, especially if it is an intense one, where you can feel a little…. well, sad. In the BDSM scene it’s called subdrop and in the sex therapy world its called postcoital dysphoria. I personally prefer to call this feeling simply “the drop” when speaking in terms of masturbation. The drop is the body’s natural response to an orgasm, where your heart rate gets lower, you relax, you feel tired. Hormones are released, such as oxytocin, vasopressin, and for men prolactin. Each of these are related to sleep in some way so it is only natural that we feel a sort…