Interviews With A Porn Addict

It’s a day just like any other; I’m with my boyfriend and he is mid relapse stroking his cock to porn on the computer. He looks over at me and asks, “do you remember when I talked about you interviewing me while I beat off? Could we try it?” His eyes are a little glazed over and I can tell he’s in deep. Usually I’m the one in front of the camera, but the idea of having him on video like this intrigues me.
“Sure,” I say with a smile. I lift my camera and off we go. Sadly, my phone died towards the end of the recording, so I transcribed the audio here and wrote out the ending at the bottom. Don’t forget to scroll down for some exciting news too!!
[This is a transcript of several video recordings I took of my boyfriend over two days]
So what’s your name? First of all.
Well I’m [bhroom].
And What are you doing [bhroom] ?
I’m beating off to some Skylar Vox porn tits and cocksucking porn.
Why are you doing that?
Because, well, I’ve been gone like all day and I only beat off like an hour before work and now I’m back, so I’m like catching up.
Oh you’re catching up.
Yeah because I have to get like a certain amount of time, you know?
Yeah.. You’re like really addicted to porn?
I’m a porn addict yeah, I’m a pornosexual too.
What does that mean?
Well you know how some people like use porn to like get hard or excited when they have sex? But that’s my sexual identity, like all I do is like look at porn and beat off like this. [furiously pumping his cock] and see like I have porn up. I’ll like click through. I’ll go back to some like this. Like this one. {gestures to computer]
Oh that’s a good one.
Yeah so I’ll have it set up like this and like this is what I do. So I don’t like have sex or anything like that I just beat off and I try and beat off to porn, like I do porn tits and cock sucking porn. And those are the things I beat off to… there’s some other one’s like futa cocks and ts porn, fat cocks and stuff like that, so I beat off to all that too. That’s just who I am, I’m a masturbator.
That’s awesome masturbator.
And you know I’m working on it, I’m trying to get my addiction worse.
How can you get worse?
Well I can become a premature ejaculator. I can spend more time. I can like ruin like this {ruins a little] and beat off with is like that.
Yeah and use it as lube?
Oh that’s cool, that’s really cool.
And you can see I just change the porn here and I beat off some more. But yeah, premature ejaculation is a big one I’m going to be working on.
What makes you prematurely ejaculate?
Like, what types of porn?
Yeah, what types of porn?
Oh I’ll have to let go. [ stops stroking] So, Rikki Six porn tits and Dylan Ryder’s porn tits are the two big ones. Vicki Chase’s tongue. [resumes stroking] Hang on one second I gotta like make sure…. It’s hard because like Rikki’s tits especially are like in your mind you know, at least if you’re a porn addict… and they like hit you and you can’t stop thinking about them. So normally if I were to see Rikki’s tits I would pretty much get in this position here [lays back, cock pointed at face] and just like cum all over myself like that.
And it would just be all over your face, everywhere?
Yeah normally I would just shoot it all over my face.
Oh wow. Do you eat it?
Yeah I’ll eat it, I’ll spit it out. If I’m still beating off I’ll pour it back onto my cock. I’ll take a second and of course I’m porn addicted so I keep going.
Yeah. Well thanks for talking to me today.
You’re welcome. I’m always beating off so you can come anytime and ask me questions.
Okay, I will. Bye!
[5 hours later in his office. Two computer screens on playing porn simultaneously]
What’s going on?
I was just doing like a masturbated cock update for five hours.
Let’s see, five hours? [Zooms in on cock]
Yeah, five hours of porn.
I think it looks pretty good! How do you feel?
Good, super addicted to porn. I was just telling you I am so happy to be like a pornosexual, just beating off constantly to porn. You see all this porn here?
Yeah you have a lot up right now.
Yeah Angela White cocksucking, Ava Addams cocksucking.
Yeah you said you like really love cocksucking right?
All cocksucking, and porn tits of course.
Of course.
But cocksucking is what I beat off to the most, just constantly.
So, yeah, this is just the [gestures to cock] masturbated for five hours… which is kinda normal when I’ve realapsed on porn. This is like an average day and then I’ll start to get up to like 10 hours as I start to get total addicted.
It looks really good!
Thanks. Yeah I haven’t prematurely ejaculated yet which is pretty crazy.
Do you plan to today?
No, well before when you were beating off we had a discord chatroom and there were some Nina Elle porn tits, some oiled ones [edges] and… it was super close.
Like I was about to prematurely ejaculate, I was even getting ready and like putting my cock up.
What do you usually do when you prematurely ejaculate.
Well normally [stands up] when I know I’m going to prematurely ejaculate I’ll get down like this [lays on his back on the floor]
Oh, all the way down on the floor?
And then you aim it at your face?
Yeah, sometimes I’ll aim it like that [lifts legs up to rest on desk, cock pointing straight at face]
Oh yeah, that makes sense.
Yeah something like that, it all depends on if I get some porn like
That really hits you?
Yeah I was explaining it before
You said like Rikki Sixx?
Rikki Sixx porn tits and uh [edges hands free]
Dylan Ryders right?
Yeah those are the two big ones.
I know you like a Dylan ryder where she’s on the ground and..
Oh! And she’s masturbating? [gaps, crosses arms over his cock willing himself not to cum]
Yeah that ones a crazy one… well… anyway
It looks you’re feeling pretty pathetic.
Doesn’t it look like it? [jerks cock off hard in the direction of his face]
Yeah! Doing good!
Thanks for chatting!
We’ll check in again later!
[The next morning, in bed around 7am]
Good morning, how are you doing today?
So we’re at day two. Let’s see the bloat [zooms in on cock] Oh yeah you can really see it.
Yeah it’s like this whole side
You can really tell
Day two, what time is it?
About 8:30
So this is like two hours
Yeah and how do you feel today?
Super porn addicted
And, I just wanna beat off all the time [thrusts hips up to face furiously jerking his cock]
Oh wow!
I’m a pornosexual masturbator
Yeah you are, super porn addicted masturbator.
So I think I’m like, I don’t know how I was in the other two videos but I feel like in this one I’m more gooned out right?
Yeah I definitely would say that you are.
I have Jenna Haze cocksucking porn up
It’s on the big screen too And you like Jenna Haze?
Yeah, Jenna Haze cocksucking porn is what I’ve beaten off to the most. This is just who I am. Just a masturbator.
How long have you been a masturbator?
Oh for 20-30 years. Maybe 25 years. I was always addicted early on, but when I knew I was a pornosexual that’s when it became all consuming. That’s what I do all day long.
Are you happy to be a pornosexual?
[Nods vigorously]
Yeah it’s my favorite thing. This is what I do.
All day every day?
All day every day. I want to push both how addicted I am and how pathetic it looks.
Well you look pretty pathetic now.
Hopefully it comes out. Oh look a cumshot.
You get really dumb for the cumshots. Are you edging right now?
{nods as he handsfree edges to the cumshot]
Yeah. Sorry I had to look. There.
SO we were talking about you prematurely ejaculating today. Are you excited about that?
Do you think I should?
I think you should. I think you could cum all over your face. Would you like to record it?
Yeah that would be fun. You could record it and I could talk.
And I’ll ask you questions about it.
I think I could go like this [turns around and puts feet on the wall so his hips are raised and his cock is close to his face].
I think that’s the most pathetic that you look. I like that idea.
[starts pumping harder, mouth open, gooning]
Yeah, you’re really dumb now.
I’m a total porn addict. {smiles]
Yeah you are. I’ll leave you like this and we’ll check in later when it’s time to cum all over your face.
[Later that day]
Alright, what’s going on here?
Um, update.. this is midway through the day and I have like this bloated side of cock here.
Yeah the whole side looks really bloated. Have you been doing anything else today?
No, just beating off
Just beating off all day You’ve been beating off since 7:30 this morning, it’s like 1:30 now. Pretty good.
Yeah so this is like the average day. This is to keep my addiction the same and now it’s about getting worse.
Just keep getting worse and worse.
And then I use this to bloat my cock up if you can see that
Oh yeah you can definitely tell.
I have some cocksucking porn, I have to go do some things but I’m gonna wait for this cumshot on her. And beat off to that and then do some errands and I’ll come back and beat off more.
Do you usually organize your day around porn like that?
Yeah the whole day is- Porn is just a default. If I’m here I’m beating off to porn and getting more addicted. And if I’m…. sorry one second….. then I just do my errands and then I come back and beat off some more.
Nice, will you show us how you beat off? Like different ways that you beat your cock off with your hand?
Yeah well I do it this way, this is like… So I can look at this porn and do that [jerking with one han]
Get the edge going and then I’ll let it go. And other times I’ll stroke it like this
Oh yeah overhand
I’ll go down and then push up, I think this like pushes the bloat up
Yeah for sure
So like m cock head gets bloated
Do you ever just use your fingers?
Oh yeah, like this [strokes with just fingertips of both hands]
This is like a good way to edge-cum, to ruin fully right. I’ve had some videos of that.
I beat off like this.
Wow it looks so good
Awesome. Hopefully tonight we’ll be filming a premature ejaculation on your face
Yeah like this
Just like this. You’re gonna look so awesome!
So pathetic
It’s gonna be great
Alright, bye!
[That night, on the floor of his office]
So what’s going on?
Whats going on right now?
Yeah what’s going on right now?
Um, we were watching a video of Vicki Chase cumshot so I just like had to beat off. I just got down on the floor
What about it made you need to beat off?
I really like Vicki Chase, it was a cumshot it was on her face, some guy was jacking off on her face.
Does she have her tongue out?
Well we couldn’t see it because there was a fat cock in the way
Yeah there was a really fat cock
So I know we talked earlier about Rikki Sixx and Dylan Ryder like being like really big premature ejaculation triggers, do you think Vicki Chase is?
Well if she’s cock sucking and she has her tongue out-
Do you think you could cum for her now?
I would yeah if there was like some porn pulled up
Let’s see what can we find with Vicki Chase…
{Porn playing]
So we have some Vicki Chase playing
I’m excited what am I- am I supposed to like look up and watch it?
Uhm, yeah I think you should. And then like when you see her tongue come out you just lie back and cum all over your face.
Oh she licking that one. Yeah. Just thinking about it is like really exciting. Ah yeah there she is.
You can barely see it, It’s a specific way where the cock is in her mouth and her tongue is out
Yeah. Oh no, my phone died. It’s all ruined!!
It’s okay.
The End.
Just kidding!! Of course we didn’t just stop there.
He sat up and quickly found two more videos that had exactly what he needed. He laid back, and I was able to hold him without the distraction of my cell phone. Finally, it happened. The camera zoomed in on Vicki who had her mouth stuffed full of cock and he started cumming. It was like all those hours of edging bottled up pressure and now it was released. Cum flew from the top of his cock and landed on his stomach, chest, and face. A little even got onto my hand, which I quietly licked off as he spasmed in my arms.
The violent orgasm finally came to an end and he was still, laying with his head tossed back and eyes closed while his body adjusted to the sudden rise and fall of hormones. I didn’t say a word. I just watched him, thinking about how beautiful he looked like that. How close I felt to him.
I wish that I could have stayed in that moment forever. I’m sure he did too.
I’m glad I have the tapes to remind me and I’m actually glad that I wasn’t able to record the whole way through, because I was able to fully experience it with him in real time. Maybe next time I record, you’ll be able to experience it too!
If you liked this audio file subscribe to my Pornhub channel because I’ve started a new series: Interview with a Masturbator where I sit down and chat with people about their masturbation while they masturbate!