My First Threesome
I never expected to shoot my first threesome so soon in my career, but I have no regrets.
I was first approached by Finn aka BoobyUniversity shortly after my shoot with Plumperpass. He was one of the rare type of people that slide into my DM’s, meaning that he sent a respectful well thought out message that wasn’t along the lines of “hi” or “let me fuck you”. He and I happened to be in the same city and he was interested in meeting up to shoot some footage, but at the time I had never sone any work with anyone other than myself so I turned him down. At the time, I was also not into shooting penetrative sex so I told him that in the future we would have to stick to oral only.
Usually that is when the guys that are interested in me fall off, but in his case he was okay with it and later on he invited me to do a scene with him and another girl in Miami. This would by my first threesome EVER! I was nervous, like really really nervous. Thoughts were flying through my head about all the ways it could go wrong. Thanks to covid I hadn’t really had any in person sexual experiences in what felt like eternity. What if I forgot how? I’d also never shot with another person before. I had no idea how that would be, much less with two other people!
I went back and forth on cancelling about a hundred times, but I tried to put it out of my head until it was too late to back out. Finally, it was time to drive down to Miami and there was nothing to do but dive into the anxiety. I went down a few days early to make sure that my first ever Talent Test went through okay and after that was done I tried to treat the time in between like a mini vacation. I went to the beach, the pool, restaurants, anything to keep my mind off of what would happen Wednesday. Time flew, and before I knew it I was waking up the morning of.
The Day Of
That day everything needed to be perfect. I woke up early and shaved everything under my eyebrows. I lotioned up and made sure my makeup was perfect and tried to fight my hair into submission. It was raining, of course, so the best I could do was clip it back and pray before making the drive downtown.
I got to a huge building and checked in at the front desk before climbing into an elevator that zipped me up to the 14th floor. It was time. I was here. I thought about running back down to my car and just taking the loss of hundreds of dollars in testing and hotel fees. Instead my hand, seemingly on it’s own, floated up and knocked on the door.
Finn answered with a hug, and behind him I could see the apartment was full of people. Everyone there was involved in porn in some way or another and they slowly warmed up to me as I did to them. I found out the condo we were in belonged to a huge muscly man named Barry- BarrylovesBoobs online.
He had a friend over who’s name escapes me and she was relaxing and hanging out with Nikki (my scene partner) and Dezodbaby (our camerawoman). All of the girls were curvy like me with amazing natural breasts. It was my first time being in person talking with other amateurs in this industry and after a while I started to wonder what I was so scared of in the first place.
We shot about a billion scenes throughout the course of the day. The first one was me alone on the balcony overlooking the train. Finn sprayed me down beforehand with oil and rubbed the cold liquid into my skin. His hands were big and warm against my body.
I remember thinking how nice it was to be touched after so long in isolation. After he zoomed around me with the camera for a bit I got changed to for my next video- this time with Nikki. We took some pictures first, before we pressed our bodies together and started teasing each others breasts.
Mid filming I realized… I have no idea what to do with a pair of boobs. Sure I can handle my own but I had literally NEVER touched another girls tits since my high school girlfriend- and she was a b cup. I fumbled through the scene, bouncing her boobs and licking her nipples in amazement.
After we finished I remember wishing I had more time to practice with them- to learn the best ways to hold them and smack them together to make them bounce. Sadly it was time to move on and do my one on one with Finn, but my disappointment didn’t last long.
We stood together out on the balcony, him behind me clasping my breasts and kissing my neck. His hard on slid against my ass and got my heart racing. We kissed passionately for the camera and he skillfully maneuvered his hands around my body. This scene too was over in a flash after a bit of breast worship and I was starting to get really excited about finally doing our threesome.
Unexpected Events
I did my intro scene for the video before letting Nikki and Finn go off to do their one on one portion. I stood in the kitchen sipping on water during one of the first quiet moments in the house of the night. It was then that Barry approached me. Barry is a huge guy but after a brief interaction I decided he was nothing but a big teddy bear. We had bonded earlier in the night about some work he’s done with Sara Jay so I was happy to see him coming over.
“Are you waiting on them so you can film?” He asked.
“Yep. This is actually my first collab,” I giggled. “I’m excited.”
“Oh wow! That’s cool… Do you want to practice then?”
“Well, you know, in porn there’s this thing called fluffing where you-“
“I know what fluffing is you idiot.” I laughed at him, ready to turn him down for such a corny attempt, but then I noticed his hands resting on the crotch of his sweatpants. His dick was huge. In my mind I started to think about how many people I know would LOVE to see me with that thing in my mouth. Hell… I had never had a dick that big so I was pretty excited to see what I could do with it.
I paused. “Do you… have a 2257?”
He walked me back into his room and pulled out the paperwork, which I hastily signed. Before I knew it I was on the floor between his legs and he was pulling out a monster from his shorts. I was in heaven sucking on that thing. Honestly, the whole time I was thinking about how I couldn’t wait to show my boyfriend.
I was sad that I couldn’t get it down my throat all the way and I kept trying and trying until I heard Finn and Nikki come back into the living room. I knew it wouldn’t be long before they noticed I was gone, so we wrapped up the video and I snuck back into the living room looking guilty. Of course they’d noticed and we all had a good laugh about it.
My First Threesome
It wasn’t long before we started shooting the main part of my first threesome EVER. At that point in the night I’d become super comfortable with everyone and the scene went off without a hitch. Nikki licked my pussy while Finn fucked her, Finn ate me out while Nikki stroked him off, Nikki and I battled over his dick to see who was the best at sucking it. Overall it was a sexy, fun time, and of course we got rewarded at the end with a nice sticky cumshot.
After it was all said and done I wondered why I was so nervous in the first place. I had a blast! Working with other people was so much *fun* and way less effort getting everything set up. It was so nice to work off of other people’s energy.
We all hung out after that, drinking, smoking, and chatting. At some point Finn brought out his sex dice, and we filmed us all taking turns licking each others nipples and sucking lips or any other combo of wacky actions we spun. It was chaos, but I loved it. I couldn’t remember the last time I was in a room full of people who were open about being sexual.
As the night ended, Finn walked me down to my car and thanked me for coming. I thanked *him* and told him how much fun I’d had. He asked me if I’d ever want to shoot again and I told him I absolutely would. I also told him I’d think about putting sex on the table.
Spoiler alert- I did put sex on the table.
I guess you’ll just have to wait for my next post to find out how that went 😉
Want to see the full video of my first threesome? Find out where to watch!
Follow BoobyUniversity Nikki Stackzz BarrylovesBoobs and DezodBaby!