5 Amazing Things I Can’t Live Without
Everyone has those things that they just always have with them, to the point that it’s not even a second thought anymore. These objects are so fundamental to our lives that sometimes we take them for granted. THat’s why I wanted to take the time to recognize the 5 things in life I can’t live without!
5. Brita Water Bottle

Okay, this is maybe a lame place to start.. but I SERIOUSLY can’t live without this. I am someone who is chronically dehydrated. It is always a struggle to drink enough water, especially when I can taste the chemicals added to what typically comes out of the tap. My Brita bottle is a life saver because it has a built in filter that I can use no matter where I go. I will admit something shameful… when I’m at home I pour the water out of my brita pitcher in the fridge directly into the brita water bottle. Nothing is as good as double filtered water.
4. Dr. Pepper

I promise this whole thing isn’t going to be about what I like to drink, but there was no way I could leave this out. I have been drinking Dr. Pepper for as long as I can remember. I don’t drink coffee or tea or even alcohol. My one Dr. Pepper a day is my caffeine and guilty pleasure. I go back and forth between regular and diet, but one thing is for sure: I will never ever give up the doctor.
3. My Phone

This one is pretty basic because most people will probably say the same thing, but that doesn’t make it any less true. If I lost everything in a fire except for my Galaxy Note 8 I would still be able to do my job and make content. That’s because it has an awesome camera, built in ability to make gifs, a stylus, and a huge screen. It’s connected to my calendar, reminds me to take my medications, tracks my health, and plays podcasts for me to fall asleep to at night. I think it’s possible that my phone is my true love.
2. Stuffed Animals

There is just something really comforting about having a bed full of stuffed animals. I use them as pillows and they always make me happy just to look at them. Currently I am obsessed with squishmallows and I have about 11 of them, but before that it was beanie boos with their huge sparkling eyes. I’m sure one day I will decide to grow up and ditch the stuffies, but for now I will continue enjoying my cute little babies.
1. My Vibrator

Masturbation is pretty much my main source of self soothing. Without the right vibrator this task becomes WAY more difficult. Right now I am using the Lush vibrator and am on the search for the perfect clit vibe after my last favorite proved to be too weak to stand the test of time. It’s a tough job finding a vibe that isn’t too weak but also will not be so strong that it overheats or numbs me out (I’m looking at you hitachi)… but it’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.
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