How this BBW lost 20lbs
In December 2020 I got invisalign to fix my messed up grill. An unintended consequence of this was rapidly losing a large amount of wight in the first week. This was mainly for two reasons:
- My teeth hurt and the attachments they put on made it feel incredibly uncomfortable to chew. My bite felt foreign and weirdly gritty. I was basically on an all liquid diet my first week.
- For the aligners to be effective you have to wear them for 22 hours a day. You also have to brush and floss every time you eat or drink anything tht isn’t water. This meant that I was no longer eating out of boredom or grabbing a snack each time I walked by the kitchen. Eating became an event that had to be planned out, not just a spontanious activity to pass the time.
Of course, after a few weeks I got used to my new life in the trays. I was able to eat cruncy foods again and the hassle of taking the invisalign out and brushing my teeth didn’t really phase me. I had a choice to make, to go back to my unhealthy lifestyle of emotionally inhaling entire pints of Ben & Jerry’s in one sitting or to take this opportunity to get started on a journey of health.
A big contributing factor in my choice of the latter was how I felt on a daily basis. Fatigue and lethargy were a constant struggle that made my quality of life extremely poor. It affected every facet of my life, especially work. Around the time that I got my invisalign I also discovered that I suffer from sleep apnea. This probably explained why I was always so tired. What is one of the main causes of this disease? Being overweight.
So, with that discovery combined with the addictive nature of watching the number on the scale drop every day I set out to make better food choices. So far I have dropped from 225lbs to 202lbs in about 2 months.
One of the biggest changes for me was tracking calories and nutrition information, especially protein. It’s easy to eat way more calories than is good for you, especially in America where fast food and sweets are always teasing you. Realizing that I could have one reese’s peanut butter cup or eat 4 cups of popcorn for the same amount of calories was mind blowing. Seeing that the junk food I was eating wiped out my daily servings and left me with no protein or vitamins was not surprising, but actually seeing it in plain text at the end of a day helped put things into much better perspective.
I started sticking to a strict calorie amount, but this isn’t to say that I am necessarily eating less. I truly LOVE to eat. It is one of life’s few joys, so there was no way I would let myself be deprived. Instead I took a two pronged approach. I began loading up my protein, which helped me feel more full throughout the day, and I started packing the house with low calorie snacks.
You would be surprised what you can still eat. Like I said before, salted popcorn without butter (its actually good) is 140 calories for 3.5 cups. Fudgecicles are 40 calries a pop and lays popabble chips are 130 calories for 30. Sugar free jellos and puddings taste the same and are 10-60 calories each. Hungry Howie’s small cheese pizzas are 160 calories a slice. So, I ultimately do not feel deprived. The amount I’m eating is the same, but the calories are much lower.
I have stopped counting every calorie now that I have adjusted what I eat (we will see if this works out for me). I don’t believe that it’s healthy for people to be tracking every last item of food. The last thing I want is to go from eating too much to having disordered eating in the other direction. Instead, I know a ballpark “maximum” that I will have for each meal and snack.
This isn’t to say that some days I don’t fail and go over, I definitely do. On days that I am struggling emotionally I often fall back into my classic veggie burger, french fry, chocolate shake combo of death. Or if I am meeting a friend or celebrating at a restaurant I simply eat what I want without worrying about it. One day of overeating or undereating ultimately is not going to make a huge difference, it’s all about the averages, so I don’t beat myselfg up too much. Enjoying life is the whole point of weight loss anyway.
When thinking about weight loss most people think that it is equal parts diet and excercise. I for one think this is a big fat lie. You will never lose as much weight as I did through excercise alone. If I’d kept on eating the same but lived at the gym I would never burn all the excess calories I was consuming. Excercise is important for your health and we all should do it, but diet is the singular most important aspect of losing weight (if you don’t have an underlying condition).
That being said, I DID start excercising. Anyone that has known me my whole life will know that excercise is actually the bane of my existence. I quit softball conditioning after a week in high school, I went to the campus gym twice in all of college, and my one and only gym membership was cancelled after a month. So. the fatigue I was experiencing in late 2020 must have really been bad if I decided I would start excercising to combat it.
I started out with fun dance classes, learning stripteases and chair dance to get my body used to moving again after year of quarentine. Then, a lovely fan bought me a pole and pole fitness journey began. It’s been about 2 weeks since I started conditioning every other day and slowly I am getting stronger. I can’t pull up my body weight yet, but I am getting closer every day. My boyfriend’s theory is that if I get stronger while simultaniously losing weight, one day I will pull myself up so hard I’ll fly through the roof. This remains to be seen.
I still fucking hate excercise, but doing something like pole dancing is going to benefit me way more than just my health. Knowing how to move my body and increasing my stamina can only help in my future performances. Who knows, maybe one you’ll even see me doing crazy tricks ar a strip club (probably not though, I am extremely clumsy).
I know the topic of weight loss is not a very popular one, especially in BBW circles. Any time a performer’s body changes she is risking losing fans. I really don’t think that I will ever lose weight to the point that I am no longer considered fat. I was born fat and most of the women in my family are bigger. We are a long line of European farmers that survived because our bodies held on to these fat stores, and I’m thankful for that. I don’t want to be thin or “skinny”, I simply want to feel good.
I think I’m well on my way.
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