The Porn Addiction Fetish Explained

If you somehow stumbled into the world of gooning without any prior knowledge you might be shocked by what you find. One of the most surprising aspects being people fetishizing porn addiction.
“How can you encourage people to become addicted” you might ask me. “Isn’t that extremely unethical??” To which I would answer, yes. If I were really pushing people to become addicted to pornography that would be a terrible thing; I would be ruining lives. Luckily, this isn’t really the case.
To fully explain this fetish let’s start with the definition of an addiction, from Merriam-Webster.

While I use the term “addict” when talking about many of my followers, it’s important to note that I use the term loosely. I would never encourage someone to engage in behavior that is actually harmful to them (without their full consent and understanding that they are responsible for the repercussions- that’s a whole other blog post). In fact, you’ll find in any community that is worth it’s salt that there are links to addiction resources and regular members are always encouraging healthy consumption.
So, why use the term in the first place? There are a lot of answers to this that can be summed up by the simple fact that the porn addiction fetish is actually an intersection of several different smaller kinks.
Our society, especially in the United States, has a complicated relationship with sex, nudity, and masturbation. In many cases porn is something that is just not talked about and if it is it’s treated as an evil thing. For better or for worse these topics are swept under the rug. They become taboo, something shameful, and are relegated to dark corners of the internet.
As is often the case with taboo subjects there is a backfire effect. Instead of people being steered away, their curiosity gets the better of them. Just take incest porn for example. For a topic that will illicit repulsion in normal conversation, isn’t it funny how it’s so popular on every single porn platform?
We as humans tend to fetishize the things that we are told are “bad”. Porn addiction is the worst of the worst combining lust, graphic sex, as well as any and all fetishes.
Control and Corruption
More and more in the modern world it can feel as tough we are in a rat race. You have to be constantly “on” and in control of your life. Work has largely become our identity and the longer you live the larger the mountain of personal responsibility seems.
Letting go of control becomes extremely attractive to many people. You get to stop being the manager, the PTA mom, or the business executive and instead become a pathetic porn addict. The stress of your life is forgotten and instead you focus completely on the images in front of you and the pleasure they bring. You get to live in a world where something else is making choices for you.
In the same vein, when imagining yourself as a porn addict you allow the “good” version of you to become “tainted” by those taboo topics discussed before. Since you are no longer in control you are completely free to explore all facet of your sexuality and become “corrupted”. There is just something so exciting about being a person that others look up to in your normal life when in private you allow yourself to sink to levels of depravity that may shock them.
To call yourself a porn addict is to label yourself as what society deems a sexual failure. For people that struggle with their sexual identity or who simply enjoy humiliation this is extremely attractive. This is why you will see many self proclaimed addicts calling themselves “losers” “betas” or other derogatory terms.
I have trouble believing that these people truly feel this way about themselves. It’s a form of masochism and an escape from reality.
Real Porn Addiction
While I have spent a lot of time in this article explaining why the porn addiction fetish is less of an addiction and more of a fun way for people to get their kicks, I have to recognize that there are true addicts out there. There will always be people that seek to escape their lives to harmful extents, no matter what the outlet is.
By calling this fetish porn addiction we may be giving these people the greenlight to continue with these self destructive behaviors. This is just an unfortunate reality of the world we live in.
Being a domme that specializes in gooning and porn addiction I get these types of people coming to me a lot wishing me to help them destroy their lives- and I agree to it every time. You might think that this is cruel and exploitative- but in fact it’s just the opposite. If I were to turn them away they would just go somewhere else and continue reinforcing these behaviors.
I think we can agree that that is also no good. Instead, I humor them at first. They return to me, day after day, and a relationship forms. I find out more about them and what exactly it is that motivates them to be self destructive and slowly, without them even realizing, I help them unravel the demons in their heads and connect them with the resources they need.
Of course, this doesn’t always work. I’m not a mental health professional and I have no addiction training. Some guys figure out that I am “fake” (if you read my blog you’ll know it’s the opposite, I genuinely love porn and masturbation) or they refuse to leave their fantasy world. Some only come to me for one or two sessions before they disappear. Still, I truly believe that having someone they can talk to that understands all aspects of porn and it’s addictive qualities is a good thing.
If you are struggling with porn and it is causing you significant life changes that are harmful to you, I urge you not to take my blog post as a justification to continue on this path. It is not always harmless fun and there are ways to get help.