5 Reasons To Make Your Porn Addiction Worse
You’re Weak
Come on, don’t pretend it isn’t true. Would you even be reading this if it weren’t? Up to this point you haven’t been able to quit and that’s because you’re a pathetic addict triggered by your own sick perversion. Strong people don’t masturbate this much. They don’t think about porn all the time. They don’t sneak away to worship any chance they get.
You’re inherently weak. The only thing to do is give in.
It Feels Good
Every time your eyes hit the screen dopamine floods your brain. The pretty pictures bring you pleasure. In a world with so much heartaches and suffering, don’t you deserve to feel good? Don’t you deserve to relax and let go?
Save Yourself The Pain
Dating is so hard. Sex is so much pressure. How many times have you felt like a failure when you’ve tried to make advances on other people? Isn’t it exhausting? With porn you never have to worry about being let down. It’s always happy to see you. Porn will never hurt you, it keeps you safe.
Porn is Art
Ancient cultures would celebrate the human form all the time. Statues, paintings, drawings, and sculptures of the body were common. Modern porn is no different. People work hard to create beautiful, high quality works that are representative of one of our most basic desires. It’s one of the purest art forms on the planet.
Censorship is always striving to take away this artistic expression. Without addicts like you and me, it would be wiped from the face of the Earth. We have a big responsibility to protect this artform from those who oppose it and the best way to do that is by consuming it as much as possible.
What else are you doing?
Is there really anything all that important that needs your attention? What are you doing when you aren’t watching porn? Probably playing video games or rotting your brain with TV. I doubt that you’re contributing much to society outside of your average work day. The extra hours in the day have to be filled with something. Porn is the perfect something.
Stop resisting and start stroking. This is what you were made for.

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