How Porn Addicted Are You? (Quiz)
Ever wondered just how addicted to porn you really are? These nine questions will see if you have what it takes to be separated from a normal fan to a mega addict. Keep track of the number that corresponds with your answer, at the end you will add them up to see your score!
How Porn Addicted Are You?
How often do you look at or watch porn?
- Once a Month
- Once a week
- Once a day
- Several times per day
- Constantly
Do you wish you had a partner or friend you could watch porn with
- No
- Sometimes
- Yes
- I already do
- the only way I have sexual encounters is with porn involved
How many pornstars names do you know?
- One or Two
- less than 5
- About 10
- 20 – 30
- Too many to count
Do you ever pay for porn?
- Never
- Rarely
- Monthly
- Several times a month
- All the time
Have you ever bought a porn stars merch?
- No
- Once
- A few times
- Less than 10 times
- More than 10 times
Have you ever paid to meet and greet with a porn star
- No
- No, but I have been to events where I knew they would be there
- No, but I want to
- Yes
- Yes multiple times
Have you ever put off orgasm to watch more porn?
- Never
- Rarely
- Sometimes
- Often
- Always
Do you think of porn when you are doing other things, like work?
- Never
- Rarely
- Sometimes
- Often
- Always
Have you made accounts on social media, chat rooms, or other online communities to talk about porn
- No
- I have one
- I have a few
- I have a lot
- Yes, and I have become a public figure/moderator there
The Results
Now, add up the numbers 1-5 that correspond with your answer to each question. The sum will tell you which category you fall into!
9 – 15 Do you even watch porn? How did you get here?
15-22 You enjoy porn, but I wouldn’t even call you a fan. These are rookie numbers!
23-31 You are moderately into porn, but I wouldn’t call you an addict yet!
32-40 You are definitely addicted to porn. Its really important to you, but you manage to balance it well with other parts of your life.
40+ You are a full blown porn addict. Porn is the most important thing in your life and you love it that way. Congrats, go celebrate with some more porn!!

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